Sunday, December 6, 2009

What we have been up to...

We had a great Thanksgiving, a great time with family but very low key. Kate is doing well with potty training and we have resorted to bribery with milk shakes to get her to poop on the potty. I am not sick anymore for the most part and actually really starting to enjoy this pregnancy. We find out tomorrow what we are having so stayed tuned for another post really soon!!

Kate has become a lot more opinionated lately. Very much into what she wants to wear and what she does not. So this morning when she got up it shouldn't surprise me that she was intent on wearing her fleece hat. But it was actually really cute and great for some pictures.
Our Christmas tree lights are on a light switch and Kate is very intent on making sure the lights on the tree are ALWAYS on. She has even started taking it into her own hands.

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