Sunday, November 15, 2009

Update on Potty Training - oh and a little help!!

So we have got the tee-tee down well. She went to church this morning for her first real outing without me and she stayed dry the whole time and her teachers said she did really well coming up to them and telling them she needed to go potty. SUCCESS!! However, as Jason found out this afternoon we have not quite conquered getting Kate to poo-poo in the potty. If you catch her in the act then you can get her on the potty to finish but if you are not fast enough you are then chasing around a 2 year old with poop about to fall out of her panties! So gross! Anyone have pointers on the poo-poo?? Since it is by far the yuckiest to clean up I will take any suggestions that will get us closer to her pooping in the potty as well as she tee-tees in the potty!

1 comment:

Sandy P said...

We had a hard time with Carson pooping in the potty. Thankfully, he usually waited until we put him in a diaper for bed and then went. It took almost 3 months. We were able one weekend to bribe him into going on the potty. We said we would buy him something he really wanted if he went 3 times. He managed to do it in about 2 hours. But, it only worked for that day.

My biggest suggestion would be to be careful. Some kids are really scared and end up holding it and having some major issue. It really depends if Kate is scared to poop on the potty or doesn't have it figured out yet.

Good luck figuring it out.