Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Big Girl

Yesterday we went to a birthday party at Gymboree. It was so much fun and I was so sad all at the same time. I am just so used to Kate being too little for these things and not caring to participate but instead just running all over the place and uninterested with what all there is to do. But this time she actually participated. She went through the obstacle course and without my help because I was sitting there thinking that she couldn't do it. She just followed all the big kids around the gym and did what they did. The kicker for me was when she sat at the table to eat cake in a normal chair and stayed there. She even drank out of a juice box with no problem. I am NOT ready for her to grow up yet. I was so glad she had a blast but it was sad watching her and thinking of her as such a big girl now.


nhg said...

Ditto. It seriously makes my heart hurt that they aren't babies anymore.

Leslie Harwell said...

Love the pics. Laura, when Kate held up her hands for me this morning in the nursery, I loved it. She is so sweet.