Tuesday, July 8, 2008

We're On Our Way!!

Kate has been able to stand on her own since she was 9 months. She really has great balance, but has never cared to try and walk or put one foot in front of the other. If you held her hands and tried to get her to walk holding onto you she would just plop down on her bottom. This weekend it's like it just "clicked" and Kate will now hold onto your hand and walk and has taken steps unassisted (1-2 steps). So I think we are on our way to walking here soon.


Marmot said...

GO Kate! I took Bryce to Morrison today and he stepped 3 times by himself. If you trick him and let go, he'll take several steps. But, like Kate, he'd much prefer to crawl.

Wilson's Winners said...

So sweet! She reminds me of Stirling - she did that same thing and one day she was walking all around the house. It gets more fun every day!!!

Abby Euten said...

One day it's walking, then they're running! You're not gonna believe it!

Leslie Harwell said...

Wow, that's cool! Go Kate Go! I just saw Brroks pull himself up today for the first time! Gosh, things change fast. We need to hang soon!

Anonymous said...

She took 3 unassisted steps for her Mimi this morning!!! Of course, I enticed her with the t.v. control.

Her Mimi

Courtney said...

She is growing so fast! We need another KD play date soon!!!!!!!!

Deb said...

Yea Kate!!! Sooo good!! By the way Laura...I'm missing you like crazy! We gotta get some hang time soon.