Sunday, September 30, 2007

Slap Worn Out

Today Kate is 7 weeks old. But last week was a big week for us. Kate started smiling and talking. I think she hit a growth spurt because all her clothes are starting to fit very snug and she can wear some of her 3 month outfits now. We no longer wear our newborn diapers and have moved up to size 1. And we did a great job of sleeping through the night 5 out of 7 nights!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Laura I am so behind!! I had like 4 entries that I hadn't even read yet or seen the pics!! She is getting so big and is absolutely adorable!! I hope we can catch up soon.. we have been slammed and might not have a chance to breathe until '08 if things keep up! haha! but she is beautiful and I'm so glad you are enjoying motherhood so much! love you!