The Brantley Family
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Welcome Back!!
I never post anymore because we have been so behind technology that is was such a process...however, we have made some updates in the Brantley household which will make this process so much easier so maybe I will be a little more regular on here again!
Here is a snapshot of our last six months...
We enjoyed a mild winter and played a lot outside.
We had a wonderful Easter and Jason and I got to spend a week in Antigua as a Happy Early Anniversary to us! (we will be married 10 years this summer!)
We enjoyed A-Day in Auburn!!
Whit turned 3!!!! And Kate graduated from God's House Pre K :(
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Merry Christmas!
Every year when we send out Christmas cards we pick a word to put on the front that has meant something somehow to us that last year. This year we used "grateful" on our Christmas cards. When I look back at 2012 I am grateful. Grateful for a little baby born in a manger. Grateful for a big Savior. Grateful that I am a Daughter of the the most high King. Grateful for a loving and God fearing husband. Grateful for two crazy children. Grateful for real friends. Grateful for family. Grateful.
Merry Christmas from my family to yours!!
John 10:10
...I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
Napa Valley 2012
Well if you ever wonder if Napa is a good place to take a vacation just ask us! We LOVED it so much we went back! Funny thing is we went back in March! Ashley who was our official photographer of the group just now got us the pictures! Needless to say she lost her job as photographer for the next trip!! :)
Seriously though. Three of our dearest couple friends and us wanted to make a trip happen. Three of us live here and another couple out in LA. Everyone heard how much we loved Napa the first time and it just made sense to all meet out there together and experience it with each other. Jason and I always said Napa would be even more fun with friends, so off we went.
It happened to conveniently be my 31st birthday while we were out there!! Can't lie, it was a great way to spend it!!
Love these guys! It is a sweet thing for the husbands to be as close of friends as the wives are.
When you travel with Ashley and Noelle everywhere you eat is an experience. But I am thankful for them as I would miss out on a lot of good food if they weren't there to lay down the law of "no chain restaurants." This was us at Girl and a Fig. Delicious food.
We are so thankful for the Sweets, Glazes and McMakins in our lives. The Lord has really blessed Jason and I because of knowing them.
Ashley took a few hundred pictures and there are some seriously cute ones but lets face it, the bloopers are always better...
Monday, September 24, 2012
Disney World
The Brantleys graciously took the whole family to Disney World for Kate's 5th Birthday!! It was such a wonderful time and we enjoyed every minute. We left Whit behind and only took Kate. Lets face it, I wasn't made to be one of those moms at Disney World with a screaming toddler who has missed his nap and is deathly afraid of all the characters.
Kate was a trooper. She was EXACTLY 44 inches so she was able to ride all the rides. Her first roller coaster ever...EVEREST! She got on every ride, but when she got off we often heard, "I don't want to do that again."
I forgot how magical Disney World is and I credit that to the employees there. Disney really has wonderful staff that make the experience top notch. Everyone was so helpful and so fantastic with Kate. I took almost 300 pictures so in no particular order, here are some pictures from our trip.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Kate's 5th Birthday Party
So I am finally getting around to posting about Kate and Whit's birthdays. (see next post for Whit's).
This year I got Jason to use some of his hotel points to get us a room at Ross Bridge Hotel so that we could invite a few of Kate's friends to go swimming at their pool and then stay as a family that night. He came through big time and got us the hospitality suite...very nice! We had a great time, and the kids could have stayed at the pool going down that slide all day. Kate thought it was the coolest thing ever that we were going to spend the night in a hotel!
We were having so much fun going down the slide that we had an accident where Kate hit her head up against her friend and cut her mouth. For a second there I wasn't sure if she was going to recover but she pulled it together and enjoyed the rest of her party.
This little one had to be woken up from a nap in time for cake. He was a bit grouchy until we told him he got to go swimming and then he perked right on up!
Whit's 2nd Birthday Party
(Yes, this is 3 months late...sorry) My neighbor's little boy Miles, and Whit have birthdays a week apart in May. So we got together and decided to do our First Annual Birthday Block Party. It was perfect, we invited the families on our street with children Whit and Mile's age to come down and jump! It ended up that the entire family (daddies included) came and it was a super fun afternoon. Of course offering beer to the dads didn't hurt :)
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Spring Pictures
My friend Fresh Grace Photography took these pictures a little while back but I am just now getting them up on the blog. Love how she uses lighting. And to see some amazing wedding photos check out her sight...they are breathtaking. But back to my cute kids...

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