Monday, April 26, 2010


38 weeks

Let me say that with Kate I had no expectations when it came to going into labor. However, with Whit I have many and for the record I know that I shouldn't! Kate's labor was quick and easy and she came 2 weeks early!! So I have been planning from the beginning to have Whit early or at least be induced at week 39 - I mean really, who wants to go all 40 weeks? Today I found out that I am going to have to go the distance. My body is not changing so my doctor is not comfortable inducing early and would like for me to go an extra week to my due date. I do realize that Whit could still come early and anytime but in my head I was planning on only being pregnant for one more week and now it could be two more weeks!!


Ashley said...

Look on the bright side, you look like you just stuck a basketball up your shirt!(:

Whitlamy said...

Hey, at least you won't hit 41 weeks!! Sweet boy will be here soon enough. My little one has struggled a bit more and he was 3 weeks early, so the longer they cook, the least on the flip side. While they're cookin', you just WANT-THEM-OUT!

Marianna said...

Hang in there Laura! You look awesome!

Lauren said...

You are so close! At least from my perspective : )

Wilson's Winners said...

you look wondeful! enjoy those last two weeks as a family of 3!!!!!

Abigail Avery said...

Oh Laura--I hate that for you--but hopefully he will be here quickly and in perfect health. Funny to have expectations this time around, huh? Hang in there--and i'm continuing to pray the really hot weather holds off for a few more weeks!! :)