Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Two Month Check Up

We went for our two month check up today.

Weight - 11 pounds 6 ounces
Height - 23 inches
Head - 15 inches

The doctor said that Kate looked great. We are going to try some new medicine and see if it helps with her reflux. Kate still likes to spit up half of what she eats, however you can clearly see that is hasn't affected her weight gain!


Whitlamy said...

Today you asked me about Bryce's 2 month stats and I couldn't remember. Here they are...I guess he's still winning the biggin' race.

WEIGHT: 14 lbs. 13 oz
HEIGHT: 25 inches
HEAD: 16.5

Anonymous said...

Laura - I have to tell you, when I was born I weighed just a few ounces less than Kate weighs now. Seriously, I was over eleven pounds. It's my claim to fame. Kate, however, is adorable!