Come out, come out wherever you are! If you read this blog, let me know by leaving a comment. Leave your name and email by Saturday July 25 and I will do a little drawing. I will do something fun with a monogram or applique for you! A few of my friends have done this and I thought it was fun so now I am doing it! So reveal yourself!! :)
A little update on Kate. I haven't said this before because we aren't really potty training but I did buy Kate a little potty and she has successfully gone tee-tee in it everyday. But by no means are we ready to cut the cord and not use diapers. We got a little one for upstairs and then we have the one that is just the seat that fits on the regular toilet for downstairs. Kate is at a fun stage where she is very aware of what is going on and you can see that by how she plays. She loves to take a wipe and a diaper and act like she is changing the baby dolls diaper. And today I found this....
Kate was potty training her baby doll. I turned the corner and saw her in the half bathroom telling her baby to "go tee-tee." I couldn't control my laughter!